2 nights
2 cabins
2 to 4 people
Nearby activities
Near town
Salle de Réunion
sur un bateau à quai ?
Get out of the box and to promote change, better communicate with your team, dare to organize a meeting in an atypical place to combine discovery and work session.
The Atlantis 11.75 m sailboat offers you a spacious, bright and cozy space in its crew square or in its open-air cockpit on deck.
The sailing spirit is the team spirit, of cohesion, of adaptation, of challenges which also correspond to that of the company.
It is possible to organize your event for a half-day, a day, a seminar or integration weekend up to 6 people.
As options, we can provide a meal on board, at Le Goyen restaurant, lunchboxes, an incentive activity nearby (rally, hiking loop, yoga or sophrology session, guided kayak ride, 2 to 3 hour outing on a sailboat, microlight flight over Cap Sizun)
Organize a lunch!
Organize a lunch with your team aboard one of our boats on the quays of Audierne!
1/2 day
1 day
2 to 4 people
Available in meeting
On the quays of Audierne
Close to town and beach
Business Coaching:
Organize an unusual cocktail aboard our boats with catering service!
Communicate big!
on your box on board the Atlantis sailboat to be visible on the coasts, in the islands of Finistère, during the maritime events in which we participate: flag, genoa flocking, hull, bed linen, towels
Offrez des chèques, cartes cadeaux
Toute l'année, remercier, récompenser, valoriser, motiver vos collaborateurs en leur offrant des chèques ou cartes cadeaux insolites !
Dans la limite de 5 % du plafond mensuel de sécurité sociale et de 183 €/pers/an, cet avantage n'est pas soumis aux charges et contributions sociales. (Noël, Naissance, Mariage, Pacs, départ en retraite, aide pour les vacances...) Et vous aussi dirigeant, vous bénéficiez de cet avantage fiscal pour vous faire un cadeau !